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Obesity refers to a condition where excess body fat puts your health at risk. Being obese can lead to heart problems, diabetes (type 2), arthritis, etc. If your BMI is greater than 30 you are considered obese.


There is no particular cause for this disease. However, consuming too many calories along with a lack of exercise do result in weight gain. The following causes can also contribute to obesity:

  • Genetics: If your parents are obese, you are also more likely to develop it too
  • Diet: Consuming a diet that is rich in fat, overeating, eating at odd hours and skipping meals can all lead to weight gain.
  • Stress: Anxiety, or even depression can cause some people to overeat.
  • Medicines and alcohol: Some medicines do result in weight gain as a side effect. These include corticosteroids and some antidepressants.
  • Hormonal disturbances such as hypothyroidism, or cushing’s disease can also lead to weight gain.
  • Lack of exercise or physical activity.

Though there are no specific symptoms of being obese, the following signs are usually common:

  • Increased waist size,or an unhealthy body fat distribution.
  • Breathlessness, especially on physical activity.
  • Feeling tired or lethargic.
  • Back aches.
  • Low confidence or self esteem.

Additionally, obesity also increases the risk for the following diseases:

  • Type 2 Diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • High cholesterol
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Heart Disease

To make a diagnosis your doctor will need:

  • History and examination. This includes your diet, lifestyle, physical activity etc. Your doctor will also need to know if you are taking any medicines.
  • BMI, or body mass index may be calculated using your height and body weight measurements
  • Measuring waist circumference can also be useful in determining risk for diseases such as type 2 diabetes or heart disease.
  • Blood tests to check for high cholesterol, diabetes, hormonal disturbances or liver problems are also needed.

Management includes the following:

Healthy Diet:

  • A diet that is healthy and balanced is necessary for weight control. It is important to keep track of your meals, and to cut excess calories and unhealthy fats from your diet.
  • Planning your meals ahead can help control portion size
  • fruits and vegetables in your diet along with proper water intake are all important factors.


  • Exercise can help greatly in losing weight and maintaining it. Both cardiovascular and strength training can make a difference if done consistently.


  • This is only recommended for those who have a BMI of 30 or above. They may also be recommended if there is increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure or heart disease
  • Any of the following medicines can be prescribed: Bupropion, liraglutide, lorcaserin, orlistat, or phentermine (note: These drugs should only be taken for the prescribed duration and dosage)


  • This treatment option is recommended for those with a BMI of 40, or more.
  • It is important to remember that in order for surgery to be effective, changes in eating habits are also necessary. Vitamin supplements may also be needed to make up for any nutritional or vitamin deficiency.
  • Types of surgery include: Adjustable gastric band, gastric bypass, gastric sleeve procedure, etc.
When to consult a doctor?

A doctor should be consulted if you are experiencing any of the complications of being obese. A consultation is also required if you cannot lose weight even after taking the necessary measures.

Available Medicine for Obesity

Orlis 120mg 120mg



Abnil 120mg



Obestat 120mg



Orlical 20mg



Orlifit 120 mg


Getz Pharma

Orlifit 60 mg


Getz Pharma

Orlirise Capsule 120mg


Aspin Pharma

Orlit 120mg


Genome Pharma

Orslim 120mg


Pharm Evo

Osker 120mg



Trimzak 120mg


Schazoo Pharmaceuticals

Zenec 120mg


L A Kurative

Victoza 6mg/ml Injection


Novo Nordisk

Victoza Inj 6mg/3ml


Novo Nordisk

Victoza 6mg/ml


Novo Nordisk



Novo Nordisk

Saxenda 6 mg / ml


Novo Nordisk