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This vaccine provides protection against Yellow fever (a serious viral infection spread by mosquito bite with symptoms of bleeding,organ damage and even death).


This vaccine should be avoided in the case of allergy to proteins (eggs, chicken), Pregnancy state due to possible harm to the baby, in case of acute febrile illness (a rapid onset of fever with other symptoms like weakness, chills and muscle pain due to an unknown cause) and HIV patients (lowered immunity syndrome).

Side effects

This vaccine may cause allergic reactions and injection site reaction (redness & pain), myalgia (muscle pain, headache, low-grade fever, rarely Encephalitis (inflammation of brain due to some infection or allergic reaction).

Medicines containing yellow-fever-vaccine

Stamaril 1000 mouse LD50 units|0.5ml.

By Sanofi

Pack size: 1 prefilled syringe


Yellow Fever Vaccine 1000 mouse LD50 units|0.5ml

By Hospital services & Sales

Pack size: 1 vial
