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This medication is used to treat neuralgia (pain along the course of nerve) and neuritis (inflammation of peripheral nerves) of toxic and non-toxic origin.


This medication is contraindicated in patients with low amount of potassium in the blood, Leber's hereditary optic atrophy (an inherited form of vision loss), atrophic gastritis (inflammation of the stomach) and past history of complete removal of stomach

Side effects

The patients taking this medication may experience excessive thirst, skin conditions, blurry vision, abdominal cramps, nausea, vomiting, increased urination and diarrhea.

Expert Advice

  • It is advised to be taken with or without meals
  • Chances of abdominal discomfort can be prevented when taken with meal
  • Not to be administered in adults over 60 & children under 12


Can VIT B1, B6 & B12 be taken together?

Its combination has been seen to help keep nerve damages away.

What is VIT b1, b6 & b12 involved in?

B Vitamins (B1, B2, B5 & B6) are involved in production of cellular energy. While Vit B12 helps in normal production of blood.

What is the best time to take VIT B1, B6 & B12?

B vitamins taken on an empty stomach first thing in the morning has been advised as a good start of the day. B vitamins belong to the water-soluble vitamins family that are energy boosters & stress busters.

Can VIT B Complex & VIT B12 be taken together?

No interactions have been found in their combination. But it is advised to be used after consulting your healthcare provider.

Food items containing VIT b1, b6 & b12?

These essential vitamins found in: • Whole grains • Beans & lentils • Sunflower seeds and almonds • Dark leafy vegetables • Citrus fruits, bananas and avocados.

Medicines containing vitamin-b1-b6-b12-combinations


By Martin Dow

Pack size: 10x10's



By Abbott Laboratories

Pack size: 60



By Martin Dow

Pack size: 25 Ampx3ml


Neurobion 3 ml

By Martin Dow Marker

Pack size: 3mlx1 Amp


Neuro Bedoxine

By Schazoo Pharmaceuticals

Pack size: 10 x 10's
