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This medicine is indicated in ocular hypertension (increased pressure inside the eye), chronic open angle glaucoma (a form of eye disease), secondary glaucoma.


It is contraindicated in asthma, history of OPD (obstructive pulmonary disorder), sinus bradycardia (slow, regular heartbeat), sick sinus syndrome (inability of the heart's natural pacemaker), sino-atrial block, 2nd or 3rd degree AV block & in uncompensated cardiac failure.

Side effects

 Its side effects include ocular irritation, transient blurred vision, bronchospasm, systemic beta-blocker effects & exacerbation (bad situation) of myasthenia gravis. This is not a complete list of side effects, so consult your doctor when condition worsens.

Expert Advice

  • Hands should be washed properly before using the product
  • Contact lenses to be removed before use and wait 15 mins before reinserting
  • To introduce the medicine into the eyes, first tilt your head back & look upward, then instill drops into the eyes. Then close eyes & roll eyeballs in all directions. Don’t blink eyes for 30 seconds and apply gentle pressure to the inner corners of the eye
  • Avoid touching tip of applicator in the eye
  • Also wait 5 mins before instilling any other medicine.


What are the uses of Timolol?

This medication is used for treatment high pressure in the eye (glaucoma) or other eye diseases.

How to store Timolol?

Please store this medicine at room temperature (18-25 Celsius) or refrigerate, depending on the medicine type and manufacturer. Keep medicine away from excessive light, moisture, and children. Please do not flush medicines down the toilet. Please read the leaflet provided with the medicine for further storage guidance.

Do I need to cover my eyes following cataract surgery?

You may be asked to wear sun glasses or avoid sun exposure for some time following cataract surgery. For further guidance, consult your healthcare provider.

Will this medicine affect my vision?

You may be required to close your eyes for 10-15 after using this medicine so tasks like driving should be avoided immediately after use. Rarely does this medicine cause vision changes.

Does Timolol have any effect on pregnancy and lactation?

This medicine should only be used during pregnancy if no safer alternate is available. Consult your healthcare provider before use of this medicine. The effects of this medicine on lactating mothers are unknown. Consult your health care provider before use of this medicine.

Medicines containing timolol

Timoptol 0.005


Pack size: 5ml
