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This drug is used for surgical anesthesia and epidural blocks.


If you have the following conditions, complete heart block. or hypovolemia (decreased blood volume). please consult your doctor before using this drug.

Side effects

Patients receiving this drug may at times experience hypotension (lowered blood pressure).

Expert Advice

Avoid this medication if:

  • You are allergic to this medicine or its contents.

Consult your doctor if:

  • You are pregnant, planning to have a child, or breastfeeding.
  • You have a medical history of: fits, tumors, injury to the head, Liver diseases, kidney diseases, stomach problems, or heart disease.
  • Inform your physician about any other medication you are taking.
  • You start experiencing any of the serious side effects of this medicine.

Be careful about:

  • Taking medicines such as sleeping pills, anti-depressants, stimulants etc. while taking this medication. Consult and discuss all the medications you are taking in detail with your physician.
  • Alcohol consumption should be avoided while taking this medication.
  • Store this medicine in a place that is cool, dry, and not easily accessible by others.
  • Try to take this medicine on a full stomach to avoid nausea.

Medicines containing ropivacaine

Ropicain 1%


Pack size: 1 Amp x 10 ml
