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This medication is used to induce labour.


This medication should not be used in cases of cephalopelvic disproportion (when the baby's head or body is too large can't pass through the mother's pelvis), and abnormal presentation.

Side effects

Patients using this medication may at times experience anti-diuretic effects (water intoxication, headaches, and nausea) due to prolonged or rapid infusion of this medication.

Expert Advice

Avoid this medication if:

  • You are allergic to this medicine or its contents.

Consult your doctor:

  • If you are breastfeeding.
  • If you have a medical history of liver disease, breathing disorders (asthma, bronchitis etc.), seizures, pelvic inflammatory disease, heart disease, kidney disease, or liver disease.
  • If you experience a serious and rare side effect, such as fainting, seizures, chest pain or vision changes.

Be careful about:

  • Make sure you tell your doctor or dentist that you are taking this drug before any medical or dental procedure.


Does this medicine stop bleeding?

This medicine reduces bleeding after delivery.

Can I start taking this medicine myself?

No, this medicine should only be used by a qualified health professional.

Medicines containing oxytocin

Oxytocin inj 10IU

By Amros

Pack size: 100 Amp


Oxytocin inj 10IU

By Dosaco

Pack size: 100 Amp


Oxytocin inj 5IU

By Dosaco

Pack size: 100 Amp


Oxytocin inj 10IU

By Geofman

Pack size: 100 Amp


Oxytocin inj 10IU

By Geofman

Pack size: 50 Amp


Oxytocin inj 5IU

By Geofman

Pack size: 100 Amp


Oxytocin inj 10IU

By Harmann

Pack size: 100 Amp


Syntocinon 5IU

By Novartis

Pack size: 50 Amp


Tocinox 5IU

By Geofman

Pack size: 50 Amp
