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This medicine is used in the management of painful inflammatory conditions including Rheumatoid arthritis (type of arthritis caused by autoimmune disorder), osteoarthritis (type of arthritis), gouty arthritis (arthritis due to uric acid build up), ankylosing spondylitis (arthritis that affects spine), postoperative trauma, bursitis/tendinitis (inflammation of tendons and surrounding area between tendon and bone), sciatica (leg pain due to sciatic nerve). Dysmennorhea (painful menstruation, Dental pain and inflammation is also managed by this drug.


This medicine must not be used by patients with active peptic ulcer, hypersensitivity to oxaprozin and patients with complete or partial syndrome of nasal polyps (growths on nasal lining).

Side effects

This medicine may cause nasuea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, or gastralgia (pain in stomach of neuralgic/nerve pain type). Headcahes and skin rash are also seen. Please consult your doctor if you experience any of these symptoms.


What is oxaprozin used for?

It is used to treat pain and inflammation associated with various conditions and diseases.

Can drugs with similar function as oxaprozin be used together?

No, they can’t. Doing so results in aggravation of side effects.

Does oxaprozin make one dizzy and sleepy?

No, it does not.

Are there any specific considerations for the long term use of this medicine?

You will be asked by your doctor to regularly monitor the vitals and frequent kidney and liver function tests to ensure their normal functioning.

Is there any drug that we should avoid using this medicine?

Drugs for indigestion are strictly to be avoided within 2 hours of taking the medicine.

Medicines containing oxaprozin

Daypro 600mg

By Macter

Pack size: 2x10's


OX-600 600mg

By Flow Pharma

Pack size: 2x10's
