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This vaccine provides immunisation (protection) to children above 12 months of age against Measles (viral infection with signs of skin rash and cold), Mumps (viral infection with fever & cold along with pain and swelling of the parotid glands - salivary glands near the ears) and Rubella (viral infection with symptoms of cold and a distinctive red rash called german measles).


This vaccine has to be strictly avoided in case of pregnancy and one must ensure effective contraception during and up to 3 mths following the course. Immunodeficiency (lowered immunity) and neomycin (antibiotic) allergy are other reasons to avoid taking this vaccine.

Side effects

This vaccine might produce an allergic reaction (pain and redness) at the injection site with fever or rash.

Medicines containing measles-virus-strain

Priorix 1000 CCID50 / 5011 CCID50 / 1000 CCID50 / 0.025mg

By GlaxoSmithKline

Pack size: 1 Amp x 0.5ml


Sanvac 1000 TCID50 / 5000 TCID50 / 1000 TCID50 / 10mcg

By Tiantan-Hi-Warble

Pack size: 1 vial x 0.5ml
