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This medication has been used to manage insulin dependent diabetes?


Hypersensitivity to any of the component of medicine

Side effects

The use of this medicine is reported with side effects such as headache, indigestion, pharyngitis (sore throat) and hypoglycemia (low blood glucose).


Under which category of drugs does insulin isophane and insulin regular come?

Insulin is the blood-sugar controlling hormone and insulin regular and isophane drugs are man-made substitutes for the insulin hormone, to keep blood glucose with in a limit in Diabetics.

How does this drug act to help a diabetic patient?

Insulin regular and insulin isophane are injectable drugs, having short to intermediate acting times, given in combination to become active within 10 minutes of injection and staying active for up to 24 hours and managing blood glucose levels.

How safe is this drug?

If you are already a user of oral drugs to control diabetes, then it’s unsafe to take insulin regular injections because of risk of getting heart disease. Also, the risk is high when you are: • Under 18 • Having liver or kidney disease. • Having low potassium levels.

How do I inject a dose?

Insulin regular is injected under the skin and at a different place every time, at least not in a row to the same place. • Used without any other insulin drugs. • Every time use a new disposable syringe or unshared injection pen. • And take it before meal, eating within 30-45 minutes.

How to store the injections and vials?

Keep the vials away from heat and light in a refrigerator but don’t let them freeze, if gets frozen then throw it away. Keep the injection pens at room temperature and use within 31 days. Always restock the drug before running out completely and facing problem.

Should I be expecting any side-effects?

Insulin allergy can cause itchy and red skin and insulin is lowering blood glucose levels that can be taken as a common problem, consulting your doctor can help with these issues.

Medicines containing insulin-regular

Actrapid HM Vial 100IU

By Novo Nordisk

Pack size: 10ml


Actrapid Penfill Cartridges

By Novo Nordisk

Pack size: 5 Cartridges x 3ml


Dongsulin R 100IU

By Highnoon

Pack size: 1 vialx10ml


Dongsulin R 100IU

By Highnoon

Pack size: 1 cartridge x 3ml


Humulin-R 100IU

By Eli Lilly

Pack size: 1 Vialx10ml


Insuget Regular 100 IU

By Getz Pharma

Pack size: 1 Vial x 10 ml


Insuman Rapid 100IU

By Sanofi

Pack size: 1 vialx5ml


Jusline Regular 100IU

By Julphar Pakistan

Pack size: 1 vial


Zansulin 70/30 100IU

By Zafa

Pack size: 1 vialx10ml


Zansulin Regular 100IU

By Zafa

Pack size: 1 vialx10ml


Actrapid HM Penfill 100 iu

By Novo Nordisk

Pack size: 1 x 3 ml
