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This medicine is used to manage diabetes mellitus


Hypersensitivity to any of the component of medicine

Side effects

The use of this medicine is reported with side effects such as headache, indigestion, pharyngitis (sore throat) and hypoglycemia (low blood glucose).


What are the uses of Insulin Glargine?

This medication is used for treating Type-1 and Type-2 diabetes. If you are using this for Type-1 diabetes, you must use it in combination with other medicines. For Type-2 diabetes, it may be used alone or in combination with other medicines.

How to store Insulin Glargine?

Please store this medicine at room temperature (18-25 Celsius) or low temperature (below 8 Celsius), depending on the type and manufacturer. Keep medicine away from excessive light, moisture, and children. Please do not flush medicines down the toilet. Please read the leaflet provided with the medicine for further storage guidance.

Will I have to avoid eating certain foods during use of this medicine?

Avoid eating high cholesterol and oily fattening foods. It is recommended to consume low fat and healthy nutritious food alongside using this medicine such as fruits, almonds, avocados, etc. For further guidance, consult your healthcare provider.

What else can I do to keep fit?

To keep fit, you can make several lifestyle changes such as: • Following a light regular physical exercise routine • Limiting use of alcohol • Limiting or complete cessation of smoking • Eating healthy • Taking care of your physical and mental health

Does Insulin Glargine have any effect on pregnancy and lactation?

This medicine should only be used during pregnancy if no safer alternate is available. Consult your healthcare provider for further guidance. This medicine may be used by lactating mothers. Consult your health care provider before use of this medicine.

Medicines containing insulin-glargine

Basagine 100 IU

By Getz Pharma

Pack size: 1 Vial x 3 ml


Basalin 100IU

By EastWest pharma

Pack size: 1 cartridgex3ml


Basalin 100IU

By EastWest pharma

Pack size: 1 pre filled penx10ml


Lantus 100IU/ml

By Sanofi

Pack size: 1 Vialx10ml


Lantus optiset 100IU

By Sanofi

Pack size: 5 pre filled penx3ml


Lantus solostar 100IU/ml

By Sanofi

Pack size: 5 pre filled penx3ml


Toujeo 300IU/ml

By Sanofi

Pack size: 3 Pre filled pen


Basagine 100unit/ml

By Getz Pharma

Pack size: 3ml pen filled
