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This medicine is used to prevent migraine with or without aura (sensory disturbances), and treat vestibular vertigo (spinning of the head due to an ear disorder).


The patients with a history of parkinsonism (progressive neuron degenerative disorder) and depression should avoid the use of this medicine.

Side effects

The patients administered with this medicine may experience somnolence, increased appetite, fatigue, depression, muscular contractions, heartburn, dry mouth, and skin rash.

Expert Advice

  • This medicine can be taken with or without meals.
  • Please take this medicine at the same time every day.
  • Please immediately contact your driver in case of any adverse effects.


What are the uses of Flunarizine?

This medication is used for the treatment of migraine headaches. It should be taken before the migraine begins; not after it has begun.

How to store Flunarizine?

Please store this medicine at room temperature (18-25 Celsius). Keep medicine away from excessive light, moisture, and children. Please do not flush medicines down the toilet. Please read the leaflet provided with the medicine for further storage guidance.

What are the side effects of this medicine?

This medicine may have the following side effects: • Weight gain • Drowsiness

What are the precautions for taking Flunarizine?

• You may feel drowsy therefore do not do work requiring alertness (e.g. driving) immediately after taking this medicine

Does Flunarizine have any effect on pregnancy and lactation?

This medicine should only be used during pregnancy if no safer alternate is available. This medicine passes into breast-milk and effects are unknown. Consult your health care provider for further guidance.

What can I do to minimize the possibility of a migraine?

• Avoid loud noises and bright lights • Have a regular and healthy sleeping pattern • Avoid stress • Keep an eye on food choices • Meditate and relax

Medicines containing flunarizine

Sibelium 5mg

By Aspin Pharma

Pack size: 2x6's


Migram 5mg

By Amarant

Pack size: 2x6's


Quibron-T/SR 300mg

By GlaxoSmithKline

Pack size: 1x100's


Migram 5mg

By Amarant

Pack size: 1x12's


Luner 5 mg

By Saffron

Pack size: 2 x 6's
