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It is used as a prophylaxis (prevention) in iron or folic acid deficiencies.


This medication should not be used in patients who have diverticular (bowel) disease, intestinal obstruction, hemochromatosis (excessive iron buildup in tissues), hemosiderosis (excessive iron buildup in organs), hemolytic anemia (a type of anemia in which red blood cells burst), red cell aplasia (not enough red blood cells are produced) and repeated blood transfusion

Side effects

Patients using this medication may experience GI upset, dark stool and epigastric pain

Expert Advice

Take this on an empty stomach or 1-2 hours after meal

Avoid taking with dairy products, tea or coffee

Take this tablet with a full glass of water. 

Don't lie down for 10 mins after taking this medication. 


Are there any interactions of this medication?

Yes, this medication can interact with tetracycline, penicillamines, antacids and levodopa.

What is the normal dosage of this medication in adults?

For prophylaxis (prevention) it is 1 tab/cap daily, the maintenance is 1 tab/capsule 2 to 3 times daily.

What are the symptoms of overdose?

Symptoms of overdose include stomach pain, vomiting and diarrhea.

Can this medicine be substituted for a proper diet?

No, this is not a substitute for proper diet, foods rich in iron includes red meats, fish, beans and dried fruit.

What is the recommended dosage in children?

In children syrup form is preferred 0.6mL daily

What does iron do in my body?

Iron is an important mineral responsible for producing red blood cells in your body, for oxygen delivery to tissues

Are there major side effects?

If the mentioned side effects worsen, consult your doctor immediately.

Medicines containing ferrous-sulphate


By GlaxoSmithKline

Pack size: 56s
