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Ephedrine is used to treat bronchial Spasm (Tightening of Airway)


Hyperthyroidism (Increased production of Thyroid Hormone), Hypertension (Increased blood pressure), Coronary (Heart vessels) Disease, Prostatic Hypertrophy (Enlargement of Prostate), Hyperexcibility, closed angle glaucoma.

Side effects

Anxiety, restlessness, insomnia, arrhythmias, tachycardia, dryness of mouth, cold extremities.


What dose ephedrine treats and how?

Ephedrine is used in the management of decreased blood pressure. It does so by constricting (narrowing) the blood vessels, that increases the flow of blood towards the heart and hence the blood pressure too.

Is this medicine available for the use of patients with increased blood pressure?

No, it is not. This medicine is designed specifically to cater the hypotensive (lowered blood pressure) condition happening after spinal anesthesia.

Is ephedrine safe for use on pregnant and lactating females?

It is contraindicated in both of these conditions.

In particular, is there any medicine that should be strictly avoided with ephedrine?

Anti-depressants- simultaneous use of which might disturb the effect of ephedrine on the body.

Is it safe to drive immediately after the consumption of this medicine?

Yes, it is. As ephedrine does not have any effect on alertness.

Medicines containing ephedrine-injoral

Efedra 30 mg

By Genome Pharma

Pack size: 1000's


Ephedra 30 mg

By Polyfine

Pack size: 1000's
