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This medicine is used to provide combined active immunisation (protection) of children up to 2 years of age against diphtheria (bacterial infection causing sore throat and fever), tetanus (bacterial infection invading the nerves and causing muscle spasms and rigidity), pertussis (uncontrollable, highly contagious coughing making it hard to breathe).


Avoid taking this medicine in case of an acute illness (sudden onset illness) and history of convulsions (a sudden irregular movement of body due to muscle twitching) commonly associated with brain disorders like epilepsy - abnormal electrical activity in the brain or presence of toxins in body like in high-grade fever. A previously experienced severe reaction to the similar vaccine or Thrombocytopenia (low blood-platelet count) and other neurological disturbances.

Side effects

This medicine might cause local pain (at injection site) and allergy, fever following the dosage, persistent crying, irritability, headache, loss of appetite, vomiting, malaise (general weakness), somnolence (drowsiness or strong urge to sleep) and some neurological effects.

Medicines containing dpt-vaccine

Trivac 30 IU|0.5ml / 60 IU|0.5ml / 4 IU|0.5ml

By Tiantan-Hi-Warble

Pack size: 1 amp
