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This drug is mainly given to treat vitamin A, D and E deficiencies; to maintain healthy hair, skin and nails, strong teeth and bones, healthy heart and good eyesight; and to build resistance in infectious cough and cold.


What is cod liver oil’s supplement used for?

It is used to improve the immune system, vision, growth, and health of bone and joints.

What is the natural source of cod liver oil?

It is found naturally in deep seawater fishes.

Can it be used against hair fall?

Yes, it can. It stimulates hair follicles and hence recover hair fall.

Is it safe for the use of infants?

Although it is, but is prescribed by pediatricians only in infants found with inadequate diet intake.

If used on the skin, how will it help?

It will tone up the skin by reducing hyperpigmentation.

Medicines containing cod-liver-oil

Seven Seas 1000 mg

By Martin Dow Marker

Pack size: 1x50
