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This drug can be used for severe malaria including cerebral malaria; and as a second line treatment in chloroquine resisitant falciparum malaria.


This medicine should not be taken in patients who have electrolyte disturbances, or patients who use other drugs that cause QT-interval prolongation (irregular heartbeat)

Side effects

This medicine may cause transient and reversible reticulocytopenia(blood disease), fever, rash, Bradycardia (slow heartbeat), Transient first degree heart block (heart disease.)


What does this medicine do?

It is an anti-parasitic medication, used to kill parasite that cause malaria and hence its spread in the body.

Does this medicine prevent malaria from attacking the body?

No, it does not. This medicine is used as a treatment and not as prevention against malarial infection.

Is it essential to complete the entire course of medicine?

Yes, it is. Not doing so would make the body prone to catch this parasite again very easily.

Are pregnant females safe to use this medicine?

Females in their first 3 months of pregnancy are not supposed to use his medicine but are still advised to take a doctor’s consultation if they want to use it in the later 6 months.

How to ensure, whether the medicine is effective against malaria in your body or not?

It is for this surety that you are advised to do a weekly complete blood picture test for 4 weeks after starting this medicine.

Medicines containing artesunate

Gen-M 120mg

By Genix

Pack size: 1 Amp


Gen-M 30mg

By Genix

Pack size: 1 Ampx2.5ml


Gen-M 60mg

By Genix

Pack size: 1 Amp


Misonate 60mg

By Tabroos

Pack size: 1 Amp
