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This medication is used to treat anorexia, general weakness, convalescence (recovery after sickness), compromised dose and development.


This medication is contraindicated in patients who have allergic reactions, hypersensitivity and Leber’s disease (inherited form of vision loss).

Side effects

Patients using this medication may experience sleepiness, dizziness, diarrhea or rapid weight gain. Consult your doctor immediately if you experience any of these

Expert Advice

take this medication before eating

store at room temperature away from heat and direct sunlight

in case you miss a dose, take it as soon as you remember


Are there any interactions of this with other drugs?

Yes, this medication may interact with amiodarone, arsenic trioxide, folic acid and furosemide.

What is the recommended dosage in adults and children?

The recommended dosages are 2-3 teaspoonful daily

Can this medication be used for vitamin b12 deficiency and anemia?

Yes, this medication can be used for this purpose.

How long do I need to take this?

Usually patients tend to notice improvements the same day or within one week.

Medicines containing appetite-stimulant

Tres Orix Forte

By Highnoon

Pack size: 120ml
