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It is defined as a malignant tumor preferably a cancer that arises from connective tissues (transformed cells of mesenchymal origin). Connective tissues include in it bone, cartilage, vascular or hematopoietic tissues (produces red blood cells, white blood cells & platelets), and fat. It has two major groups i.e. soft-tissue sarcoma & bone sarcoma which further divide into various subtypes. Sarcoma can be primary connective tissue tumor (arise in connective tissue) and secondary connective tissue tumor (occur when cancer from elsewhere in the body spreads to the connective tissue).

More than 70 different types of sarcoma are present. Its treatment depends upon sarcoma type, location & other factors.


Its causes are unclear. In general, it is said that certain mutations in DNA within the cells causes the cancer. The mutations (changes) cause the cells to growth & divide uncontrollably even when the normal cells die. The accumulating abnormal cells form a tumor & this tumor may break away & spread to other parts of the body.

Risk factors

Factors that increase your chance of getting sarcoma include:

  • Inherited syndromes i.e. from parents to children
  • Radiation therapy for cancer
  • Exposure to chemicals (like industrial chemical & herbicides)
  • Exposure to virus (like human herpesvirus 8 increases chance of Kaposi’s sarcoma)
  • Chronic swelling (lymphedema; swelling caused by backup of lymph fluid)

Its symptoms include:

  • Lump that can be felt through skin & may or may not be painful
  • Abdominal pain
  • Weight loss
  • Bone pain
  • Broken bone happen unexpectedly with or without minor injury

Its diagnosis involves:

  • Biopsy (sample of cell from tumor)
  • Imaging tests like CT scan, ultrasound, MRI which help look inside the body
  • Bone scan in case of osteosarcoma (cancer that produces immature bone)

Its treatment/management depends upon what type, where in body it is, how developed it is, and whether or not it has spread to other parts of your body. It involves:

  • Surgery i.e. taking tumor out of the body
  • Radiation i.e. shrink the tumor before surgery or almost kill the cancer cells
  • Chemotherapy medications
  • Targeted therapies i.e. by using medicines or man-made version of antibodies to stop growth of cancer cells. And leaves normal cells undamaged.
When to consult a doctor?

You must consult the doctor if you notice lump which is more than 2 inches, if lump is increasing in size more & more, or if person starts experiencing pain.

Available Medicine for Sarcomas

Fosfamide 1gm



Ifosfamin 1gm



Ifosfamin 2gm

