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A rash is an area of inflamed, irritated, and swollen skin. It can be itchy, painful, or red. Some rashes may lead to blisters, purulent discharge (pus), and patches of raw skin. A rash can form due to several medical problems, ranging from mild allergies to severe autoimmune disorders (body attacks its own cells).

Common causes include Eczema, which is a skin condition causing the formation of itchy, red, and inflamed patches on the body.

Another frequent cause is Dermatitis, a skin infection causing red, itchy skin.


Following are the causes:

  • Skin infections
  • Exposure to heat
  • Allergens
  • Immune system disorders, such as Systemic Erythematosus Lupus
  • Use of certain medicines
  • Eczema, causing skin inflammation and itchiness
Risk factors

The following are the risk factors:

  • Prolonged or frequent exposure to heat or irritants
  • Exposure to allergens
  • Insect bites, such as mosquito
  • Certain medication reactions

The following are the symptoms:

  • Inflamed skin
  • Redness
  • Pain
  • Itchiness
  • Dry, crusted, or scaly skin
  • Persistent scratching may lead to small, fluid-filled blisters
  • Infections due to damaged, broken skin

The diagnosis is made when a doctor examines the patient physically, checks relevant symptoms, and performs certain lab tests. An area of your affected skin, which is scaly or crusty, may be assessed for a skin patch test or rule out any skin infections.


Following is the management:

  • Regular and directed use of prescribed medicines
  • Use of appropriate moisturizers
  • Prescribed use of steroid containing medicines
Please consult your doctor for further information.
When to consult a doctor?

Early diagnosis can lead to effective and successful treatment. If your symptoms do not improve within 7-10 days, or you experience severe inflammation or itching, please see a doctor.

Available Medicine for Rashes

Seproderm 9.6gm



Rashnil Cream 50mg


Abbott Laboratories



Belle Vie

Rashnil Cream


Abbott Laboratories