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Endometrium is the inner lining of the uterus. Growth of the tissue similar to the endometrium outside the uterus on surrounding organs such as ovaries, fallopian tubes and tissue lining the pelvis is known as endometriosis, it common in women of age group 25-40 years old.

In endometriosis the overgrown tissue behaves similar to endometrium i.e. it thickens and sheds off with each cycle, but this blood doesn’t escape the body. It may cause irritation of surrounding tissue and cyst formation in ovaries. 



Endometriosis is before menopause, afterwards, the release of estrogen stops and so the chance of endometriosis also reduces. The reasons of endometriosis may vary, the most likely ones being:

  • If during menstruation, the blood with broken down tissue from uterus does not flow out of the body and instead flows back into abdomen and pelvis, the damaged tissue may start to grow again inside the body.The cause of this ‘reverse or retrograde menstruation’ is unknown.
  • There might be weakened immunity which is slowing the body’s normal response to destroy the endometrial tissue.
Risk factors

Infertile women are more at risk of suffering from endometriosis.


  • With Endometriosis there is a high risk of getting issues with fertility, since the abnormal growth of tissue on ovaries and tubes make normal fertilization process difficult. And such women may face a hard time getting pregnant.
  • The over-growth of tissue might start getting aggressive and turning cancerous.

Endometriosis is a painful condition, while some days are pain free others may be worse. It’s more challenging to bear the pain while managing routine chores and commitments. There is:


  • Sharp pain and cramps in pelvis, sometimes only during period or at times even on usual days.
  • Being irritable and moody.
  • Heavy bleeding during period.
  • Bleeding between periods may get confused with an Irregular cycle.
  • Pain during intercourse.
  • Nausea and diarrhea during a painful day.
  • Lower back and leg pain.
  • Migraine and headaches.
  • Bloating, constipation and pain on passing stool.
  • The doctor is going to ask you about regularity of period, the blood flow, duration of period, bleeding between periods, menstrual cramps and previous pregnancy.
  • Check the vagina with a gloved finger, to feel the presence of tissue lumps.
  • Performing an Ultrasound can help viewing the presence of tissue growth in pelvis or bladder.
  • Biopsy of the tissue growth is going to give a definite diagnosis of endometriosis.
  • Laparoscopy (a thin viewing tube) is inserted in an inflated abdomen to view the organs for presence of tissue growths.

Endometriosis has no cure, its treatment is based up on the seriousness of symptoms and whether you want to conceive or not. Management of endometriosis includes:

  • Medicines:
    • Painkillers
    • Hormone therapy
  • Lifestyle changes:
    • Proper sleep
    • Exercise
  • Surgery: it is the last resort of treatment. There are two types of surgery:
    • Conservative surgery: the one in which uterus and ovaries are preserved and abnormal tissue growth or cysts are removed.
    • Hysterectomy: it involves the removal of ovaries and uterus.
When to consult a doctor?

Consult your doctor if you experience any serious side effects to any of the treatment or if your symptoms don't improve or worsens even after treatment.

Available Medicine for Endometriosis

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